nail ridges

nail ridges

Nail Ridges: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Treating Vertical and Horizontal Ridges


Greetings, readers! Nail ridges are a common condition that can affect people of all ages. While they are usually not a cause for concern, they can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health condition. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of nail ridges, their causes, and the various treatment options available.

Types of Nail Ridges

There are two main types of nail ridges: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical Ridges

Vertical nail ridges run lengthwise along the nail and are often a sign of aging. They are usually harmless and do not require treatment. However, if they are accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain or swelling, they may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Horizontal Ridges

Horizontal nail ridges, also known as Beau’s lines, run across the nail from side to side. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, illness, or nutritional deficiencies. Horizontal ridges usually grow out over time, but they may be a sign of a more serious health condition if they are persistent or accompanied by other symptoms.

Causes of Nail Ridges

Vertical Ridges

  • Aging
  • Trauma to the nail
  • Inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema
  • Certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs

Horizontal Ridges

  • Injury to the nail bed
  • Systemic illnesses, such as kidney disease or lung disease
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as iron deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Exposure to certain chemicals, such as formaldehyde

Treatment Options

Treatment for nail ridges depends on the underlying cause.

Vertical Ridges

  • In most cases, vertical nail ridges do not require treatment.
  • If they are caused by an underlying medical condition, treating the underlying condition may improve the appearance of the nails.

Horizontal Ridges

  • Horizontal nail ridges usually grow out over time.
  • If they are caused by an underlying medical condition, treating the underlying condition may help prevent future ridges from forming.
  • In some cases, topical treatments, such as retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids, may be helpful in improving the appearance of horizontal ridges.

Nail Ridge Table

Ridge Type Description Causes Treatment
Vertical Run lengthwise along the nail Aging, trauma, inflammatory conditions, medications Usually no treatment required
Horizontal Run across the nail from side to side Injury, systemic illnesses, nutritional deficiencies, chemical exposure Treat underlying condition, topical treatments may be helpful


Nail ridges are a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. While they are usually not a cause for concern, they can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health condition. By understanding the different types of nail ridges, their causes, and the various treatment options available, you can make informed decisions about your nail health.

For more information on nail health and other related topics, be sure to check out our other articles:

FAQ about Nail Ridges

What are nail ridges?

Horizontal lines that develop on the nails, running from the cuticle to the tip.

What causes nail ridges?

Various factors, including aging, nutritional deficiencies, trauma, and certain medical conditions.

Are nail ridges a sign of a health problem?

Usually not, but they can sometimes indicate underlying health issues like iron deficiency or connective tissue disorders.

How can I get rid of nail ridges?

Nail ridges generally cannot be permanently removed, but they may become less noticeable with improved nail health and treatments like moisturizing and nail polish.

Can nail ridges be prevented?

While not always preventable, maintaining nail health by avoiding harsh chemicals, keeping nails trimmed, and wearing gloves when working with cleaning agents can help minimize their appearance.

Are nail ridges more common in certain people?

Yes, older individuals, people with certain medical conditions (like psoriasis or lichen planus), and those exposed to harsh chemicals are more prone to nail ridges.

What do vertical nail ridges mean?

Vertical nail ridges are generally not a sign of any medical issue and are typically caused by aging. However, if they are accompanied by other nail changes or symptoms, it’s best to consult a dermatologist.

What do horizontal nail ridges mean?

Horizontal nail ridges can be a sign of injury, nutritional deficiencies, or certain medical conditions. In some cases, they may be called Beau’s lines.

Can nail ridges be filled?

Yes, some nail technicians use a technique called “ridge filling” to temporarily smooth out nail ridges using a base coat or gel.

What can I do to improve the appearance of nail ridges?

Maintaining good nail health, using nail polishes with ridges, and seeking professional treatments like manicures can help improve the appearance of nail ridges.
